Custom Clearance

We are licensed custom broker in Pakistan for over 17 years now and can arrange for import and export custom clearance at all sea ports / airports of Pakistan. We have on our panel with qualified professionals who can handle each item of Export or Import using the best possible way at an appreciated cost. Our team of experts commonly guides importers and exporters on complex matters of custom clearance and is well regarded in this particular area. We also manage Bounded Trans-shipments from Karachi Port to all inland Dry Ports and provide solutions with respect to special needs of Customers.
With the current emphasis on complex free trade agreements and global sourcing, customs issues have assumed an increasingly important role in the supply chain. Our global customs service's focus is on the compliance, release and reporting needs of the marketplace.
Our network operates under standardized processes which are continually validated, measured, analysed and reviewed. Whatever your customs activates are in Pakistan, we have mapped and verified a standard process flow.